Q&A | Olympic Trails Qualifier: Chelsea Hollingsworth

Photo courtesy of Chelsea

Photo courtesy of Chelsea

For our final OTQ 2020 Q&A, we have Chelsea Hollingsworth (soon-to-be Barnhill on April 4, 2020)! She trains in Stuart, Flordia.

Read our Q&As with the rest of our trials qualifiers: Kelsey Beckmann, Enoch Nadler, Bria Wetsch and David Fuentes. Everyone will be on the starting line of the 2020 Olympic Trials in Atlanta, Georiga on February 29.

Boulder Underground

What is your “day” job?


Physical Therapist

Boulder Underground

Where and when did you run your OTQ?


California International Marathon on December 8, 2019.

Boulder Underground

What is your marathon PR?



Boulder Underground

What did running the OTQ feel like?


Running the OTQ felt empowering- coming down the home stretch was an array of emotions that is hard to put into words. Every setback, obstacle, disappointment and decision to not give up through it all made it all worth it.

Boulder Underground

What was the most difficult part of running the OTQ?


The race got really hard around mile 17. My body started to feel fatigued and my right quad felt like it was ripping. At moments, I wondered if my leg was going to hold up for me even to finish. The most difficult part was distracting myself from the pain. I had to keep diverting my thoughts away from the pain and worked on changing up my stride to ease the sensation. This battle went on for the rest of the race-physically I wanted to slow down but mentally I knew I needed to keep pressing because I could rest once I reached the finish line. It also helped that I had another girl running with me and she let me switch to the middle of the road instead of the gutter. Every time I told her my quad and hip hurt, she let me switch to the side of the road I needed to reduce the pain and encouraged me to keep going. At mile 25, I mustered every last ounce I had and started grinding towards the finish line. The thought in my mind was “I have to get to that line because my leg is not going to hold up anymore-if I can at least get close enough to the line, maybe I can crawl to the line before the Pacers come through”.

Boulder Underground

What was the most exciting part of running the OTQ?


Everyone was working together and encouraging each other. Whether I was passing someone or someone was passing me, words of encouragement were exchanged between each other. I witnessed so much camaraderie during the race that I was just filled with joy being in the moment.

Boulder Underground

Who is your favorite training partner?


My fiance, Kurt Barnhill.

Boulder Underground

What’s been your favorite part of this training block?


Waking up each morning knowing I am training to compete in my dream race.

Boulder Underground

What have you worked really hard on during this training block?


Daily, consistent prehab/rehab to reduce risk of injuries and maintain a handle on previous injuries.

Boulder Underground

Who are the members of your “team” and their roles?


-My fiance, Kurt Barnhill, has been my rock and number one supporter in this. On the days I doubt, he believes. He runs with me on some of my mileage days, makes sure I am eating enough by helping me cook meals in the morning and at night, and gives words of encouragement when I am struggling and stressing through everything we have coming up. Not only does he help me emotionally and mentally with training, but he also helps me to remain injury-free and to manage flare-ups from my old injuries due to his profession as a Chiropractor. So, Kurt is my number one supporter, soon-to-be husband, training partner, and Chiropractor.

-My coach, Matt Hensley, who believed I had what it took to qualify for the trials and developed a training plan that worked with my busy schedule and that would keep me free of injury.

-My boss and mentor in the field of Physical Therapy, Sukie Nau, who also helps to keep me injury-free and teaches me strategies to maintain a calm mind despite how busy work and life can be.

Boulder Underground

What is your goal for the Trials?


To run with a grateful heart and embrace the opportunity of racing with such an elite field.

Boulder Underground

What will you be most excited about on the start line?


I am most excited to line up with all my role models in the sport in a race that only happens once every 4 years.

Boulder Underground

What would you consider a good day on February 29?


A good day on February 29 would be to feel God’s presence during the race, work together with others to progress through the field, and race with a grateful heart.

You can follow Chelsea on her running journey on Instagram @chelsnholling17.

Editor’s note: this Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.