Q&A | Olympic Trails Qualifier: David Fuentes


Our countdown to the trials continues and so do our OTQ 2020 O&As with our athletes running in the in Atlanta on February 29. So far we’ve Q&A’d with Kelsey Beckmann, Enoch Nadler and Bria Wetsch. Next up is David Fuentes. He trains in Austin, Texas.

Boulder Underground

What is your “day” job?


Owner of Tin Can Travel Co. (vintage van rental) & Software Engineer (day job).

Boulder Underground

When and where did you run your OTQ?


Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon in June 2019.

Boulder Underground

What is your marathon PR?


Slow haha. Jogging in a 2:23.

Boulder Underground

Have you qualified for the Olympic Trials before?


Yes in 2016.

Boulder Underground

What event and when?


Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon in June of 2014.

Boulder Underground

What did running the OTQ feel like?


Elated, and satisfied because it proved to me that I actually was that fast.

Boulder Underground

What was the most difficult part of running the OTQ?


I didn't find much of the race itself that difficult. I would say the anticipation leading into it. I wanted to qualify and not have to do a last chance meet for the trials.

Boulder Underground

What was the most exciting part of running the OTQ?


The last three miles. I felt like I was on cruise control. It was nice to know that my body wasn’t shutting down after running multiple PRs in the actual race.

Boulder Underground

Who are your favorite training partners?


I typically train by myself, but we have a big Sunday run group that I really enjoy.

Boulder Underground

What’s been your favorite part of this training block?


Probably eating after the workouts. Also getting in some longer Sunday runs.

Boulder Underground

What have you worked really hard on during this training block?


Trying to stay healthy lol.

Boulder Underground

Who are the members of your “team” and their roles?


My wife, family, and friends are my team. Also my coach Matt Hensley, who is a great coach!

Boulder Underground

What is your goal for the Trials?


To be satisfied knowing I did everything I could on that day, and on this buildup to the trials.

Boulder Underground

What will you be most excited about on the start line?


I will be excited if my body lets me run to my potential.

Boulder Underground

What would you consider a good day on February 29?


Winning. But if I can't win the race, then probably a huge PR and a high placed finish.

You can follow David on his running journey on Instagram @davidfuent.

Editor’s note: this Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.