Adequate Nutrition and Avoiding Common Deficiencies with Kelsey Pontius

Boulder Underground discusses adequate nutrition and avoiding common deficiencies for runners with Kelsey Pontius, RD. Kelsey is a Registered Dietician, Founder/Owner of Meteor Nutrition.

"Nutrition is one of the major building blocks that allow a lot of our training to translate into success."

"If performance is your overall goal, during the training it's super important to establish what's known as energy balance. What that means is you're consuming enough food to support your training."

"We know by research that performance and training adaptations occur when there's energy balance or even a caloric surplus."

Great Takeaway:

Best Way to Avoid Key Mineral Deficiencies for Health and Performance

-Eating a balanced diet that aligns with training demands.

-Not restricting food groups.

-Adjust dietary intake to cover all expenditures from training and exercise.

Also, take into account that the body requires energy just for basic functions and activities of daily living. As runners, our training is dynamic so therefore nutrition should be too!


Recovery and Manual Therapy for Runners with Aaron Lange

Aaron Lange, LMT, specializes in sports massage therapy for elite distance runners. His work includes injury treatment and prevention. He got into massage therapy after meeting his now-wife, elite marathoner, Bria Wetsch. We had a chance to catch up with Aaron to discuss manual therapy and recovery methods for runners.


Staying Healthy and How to Reduce Risk of Injury as a Runner with Kurt Roeser

Staying Healthy and How to Reduce your Risk of Injury as a Runner with Kurt Roeser. Boulder Underground discusses injury prevention methods with Kurt Roeser, PT, DPT, OCS in Boulder, Colorado. Kurt is Board Certified Physical Therapist, Clinical Director at Ability Physical Therapy and Founder of Boulder Run Physio. He is highly respected in the running community and has run 1:04 for the half marathon and 2:17 for the marathon. Learn from Dr. Roeser the benefits of strength training, how to reduce your chance of injury and what you can do as a runner to stay healthy. “It can be daunting for runners to choose what supplemental activities they should prioritize to help recover from an injury or minimize the risk of another injury. Focus on the fundamentals: work with a coach to develop a sensible training progression to manage your running load and integrate some basic strength and conditioning. From there you can layer strategies to address your individual risk factors based on previous injuries, biomechanics, or weaknesses. Remember, running should be about running. Keep it simple.” - Kurt Roeser


Why Run and the Biggest Running Mistakes for Beginners with Dr. Caballes

Boulder Underground welcomes Dr. Caballes to a winter workout session in Boulder, Colorado. Dr. Caballes is a Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Specialist that serves the greater Denver-Boulder area through Cornerstone Orthopaedics. He is highly respected in the running community and has been featured in numerous publications including Runner’s World. Learn from Dr. Caballes the health benefits of running, the biggest running mistakes for beginners and what you can do as a runner to stay healthy.


Boulder Underground Running Coaching | Training for Beginners to Olympic Trials Qualifiers

This is Boulder Underground. A running coaching service/corporate wellness, based out of Boulder, Colorado. Personal and virtual coaching options are available. BU coaches have worked with athletes of all levels: beginners, post-collegians, Olympic Trials Marathon qualifiers and celebrities like Lance Armstrong. Custom training plans for the mile, 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon and beyond! Reach out to for more details. Play on! If you're new to running, walking or getting out and being active, fear not! We have content coming out just for you! We have walking, 5k and 10k training plans for beginners as well. Email for any questions.