MINI FEATURE | Aaron Lange: Ultra and trail runner, Licensed Massage Therapist

Aaron before the Silver Rush 50-miler in 2019.

Aaron before the Silver Rush 50-miler in 2019.

Aaron Lange (LMT) specializes in sports massage therapy for elite distance runners. His work also includes injury treatment and injury prevention. He got into massage therapy after meeting his now-fiancé, elite marathoner Bria Wetsch.

Aaron became enthralled with the sport and wanted to help treat Bria in any way he could. In 2016, he received his massage therapy license; in 2020 he completed his bachelor’s in integrative physiology with a specialization in exercise science.

His favorite aspect of his job is the collaborative effort and teamwork that goes into working so closely with athletes. He enjoys the reward of investing countless hours of careful thought and specialized treatment into his athletes.

Some of the coolest things he’s ever gotten to do because of this expertise and knowledge are travel to some of the biggest endurance events in the country and work with some of the most amazing athletes in the world.

Two of his favorites events are the US Olympic Marathon Team Trials and the Tour of Utah World Tour cycling race; one of the most amazing groups of athletes he’s had the opportunity to work with are elite Kenyan marathoners who spend time training in Boulder every year.

One of the toughest aspects of Aaron’s job is the physical aspect. He gives every client his 100-percent focused attention and the quality of his work requires a great amount of attention and strength. But, this is also one of the most rewarding aspects of his job too. 

“However tired I may be after a long day at work, I always leave with a huge smile on my face, pleased to have had the opportunity to work with so many clients that are dedicated to keeping themselves healthy. It makes my day when a client jumps off the table at the end of a session and can't believe how good their legs feel,” said Aaron.

Aaron is applying to medical school in May 2021. He’s excited to learn more skills and have many tools at his disposal to be able to treat any athlete who comes his way.

If you’re in the Boulder area and want to book a session with Aaron you can do at Colorado Sports Massage. Just follow the link, pick the type of session you want and then choose Aarons’s name from the staff drop-down menu.

You can find Aaron on Instagram at @langeclimbs.