MINI FEATURE | Britt Kelland: Q+A to celebrate one year as a Boulder Underground athlete

Britt Kelland at the “Manhattan” track in Boulder, Colorado.

Britt Kelland at the “Manhattan” track in Boulder, Colorado.

Britt Kelland joined Boulder Underground in Boulder in June of 2019, after moving to Colorado from Georgia. She’s a driven, positive teammate and mother of two.

Britt ran in college, but before joining BU she hadn’t trained consistently in years. Now, under Matt Hensley’s guidance, she’s running PRs in practice.

How did you find the group?

We had just moved from Georgia in March a couple of months before I joined Boulder Underground. I met a new friend here who introduced me to Matt, and after a few minutes of talking to him on the phone for the first time, I was in. I couldn’t wait to get started and meet everyone.

What was on your mind before you met with us for the first time?

I was anxious, nervous, and 1000% excited. I couldn’t believe that I was going to run alongside amazingly talented women…that I was going to train with them every week. I kept wondering if I’d even be able to keep up during the warmup especially as I was still adjusting to the altitude. Thankfully, I did!

What were your expectations?

I had no specific expectations of myself or the team. I wanted to improve my mental and physical fitness, of course. But, I was looking for a group who shared the same love for running, competition, and camaraderie. Everything else was a bonus.Did being part of the group meet your expectations?   It completely exceeded any expectations I had for myself, the group, and for Matt. When I first joined the team, I was excited simply to get on a training program that would challenge me as a runner. I had no idea how amazing the community would be and what a difference it would make in my life. 

How do you like being coached by Matt?

He’s the best. I couldn’t have imagined a better coach.

He genuinely cares about each athlete's mental and physical fitness. He has a way of pushing and encouraging your limits without overdoing it or risking injury. It’s a fine balance that he has mastered even across a team of different people and personalities. 

What’s your favorite part of being in the group?

What I’ve found most valuable are the amazing people I’ve met and the friendships I’ve made with my teammates. There’s an energy that you can see and feel. It’s mood boosting, genuine, and refreshing. The workouts are hard, yet I always feel more energized when I’m done.

What growth have you seen in the last year?

Mentally, an unexpected but amazing perk has been increased level of patience. During marathon training, which is every bit mental as it is physical, I learned to be more patient with my kids. haha. I’d think to myself, “If I can train for and run a marathon, I can totally manage kids throwing literal buckets of water outside the bathtub for the thousandth time. I got this.” It has helped me get through mental challenges, no matter how big or small. Both motherhood and racing require mental fortitude. I channeled that patience and positive self talk across all areas of my life. 

Physically, I’ve made strides (pun intended :)) across all my favorite running events. From all-out sprints to long distance training, my body is stronger than it has ever been. I’ve reached goals that I never thought I could and broken PRs set over 15 years ago. I thought I’d never even get close to those times again. I can feel my lungs and legs getting stronger and faster. Seeing progress through consistent training is the greatest feeling. 

What has been challenging?

Challenges ebb and flow through the month. Some are more manageable than others. Mostly, it’s been the everyday tasks of entertaining, feeding, encouraging, and teaching my 2 young kids while also trying to manage the ins and outs of daily life. It’s been especially difficult during Covid. Everything is heightened. Motherhood is both rewarding and exhausting, so finding the energy to do other activities (alone!) can be challenging. There’s a certain amount of guilt that accompanies doing something for myself. In the end I know that if I can be a better person, a better version of myself, then I will be a better mom. 

Britt beginning a time trail in June.

Britt beginning a time trail in June.

What are you looking forward to over the next months and year?

I have a few big goals in mind, so being able to consistently train towards reaching them is at the top of my list. My first priority is to be healthy and happy in pursuit of my goals…to arrive at any start line (virtually or an in-person race), injury-free, feeling good, and ready to crush. I’m excited to make more progress, register for another marathon (my first one was cancelled), and be the best athlete and version of myself. 

What do you have to say about training with all of us women?

IT’S THE BEST. I love them all. They inspire me in so many ways to be a better athlete and person. They each bring different strengths from different events all over the country. Being able to train and learn from them is something special and unique that I’ve never been apart of. Having created friendships with them too is the icing on the cake! 

What has getting back into running done for your parenting/motherhood?

Getting back into running has benefitted my life in a lot of ways, and parenting is definitely one of them. Running with Boulder Underground has been an incredible outlet to maintain my sanity while getting out and exploring the beautiful Colorado trails. The workouts help me decompress mentally, which allows me to be more patient as a mom. And lastly, it’s given me an amazing community of runners to connect and socialize with. To reemphasize, being the best version of myself always translates to me being a better mom. It’s so important.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

It’s never too late to start chasing down your dreams. There’s no “right” time or stage in your life to go after something you want. All that matters is that you start.

You can follow Britt and her running stories on Instagram @britaphotography.