Kelsey B—

“Matt started coaching me shortly after concluding my college soccer career. Running was a new sport for me in general, and he was really starting with the basics of running that I had yet to experience. It didn’t take long for me realize I loved running and Matt was a key component to my development in the sport.

I can’t say enough about his commitment to building a strong foundation within my running toolbox that allowed me to keep progressing now 7 years later in the healthiest way possible. While Matt has taught me nearly everything I know about running at this point, what I needed most from him is to learn to believe in myself again after ending soccer unfulfilled. That alone has been monumental in him/ Boulder Underground being with me from the transition from college soccer player to US marathon Olympic trials qualifier.”

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Ashish P—

"I have never had a dedicated coach for running since before BU and removing the energy required to coach myself has been one of my favorite things. My other favorite part is Matt’s methodology and the results that have come from it. I have been running faster than I ever have in my late 30s and have been doing the least amount of miles I ever have. I also have not been injured for more than a week or two which was a dramatic change from before BU."

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Melissa H—

“Having the opportunity to know Matt for so many years, it came as no surprise to me that he became such a successful runner and coach. What I couldn’t have predicted is what makes him such an incredible coach. Matt truly understands people. Not just the PRs they can hit or progress they can make, but he understands the athlete as a whole, and the level of investment he has in his athletes in unparalleled.

Matt has a way of building the confidence of the athlete and creating a space for them to simultaneously set big goals and believe in their ability to achieve them. His optimism and relentless belief in his athletes is infectious. The creation of Boulder Underground was simply an extension of something Matt was already building through his coaching and involvement in his community. BU meets a need that as athletes, we crave - an organized, fun, and supportive group that brings out the best of everyone who is fortunate enough to be involved with it.”

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David F—

"I have really enjoyed working with Matt over the last couple of years and have loved seeing Boulder Underground turn into such a successful program. His dedication to his athletes, combined with his expertise and extensive knowledge, has helped me continue to develop as an athlete and achieve several personal goals and best times."

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Joshua S—

“I could not thank Boulder Underground enough. In the last year my performances have improved dramatically working with BU. I have used programs based on the ideals of Jack Daniels, Renato Canova, Arthur Lydiard in the past, but I would say nothing has worked better than the philosophy that BU uses. The mindset endowed by BU on their athletes is a mindset that you can apply to everyday life. My level of confidence has increased and my level of fear has decreased in all my endeavors.

I have PRd in every distance from 3k - Marathon working with BU. Workouts are made specifically for you. Pre-race hype talks are also made specifically for you. The best coaching service I have ever used.”

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Guy A—

“After knowing Matt for years, I can attest to his attention to detail in every aspect of the sport. Matt is a true student of running, taking learnings from years of being around some the best coaches and athletes in the game. He prescribes training based on physiological objectives, but most importantly he relates to people. I have big goals for over the next four years, and Matt is the right coach to share my journey with.”

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Ashley B—

"Matt was such an amazing coach and person. His training helped me to qualify for both the 2016 and 2020 Olympic Marathon trials.

Before working with him, I didn't really ever think I would be able to get back into competitive running after burning out in a D1 athletic program. Matt made training fun again and helped me to believe in myself as a runner and human. I would recommend Boulder Underground to anyone really looking to get to the next level."

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Melany W—

“After becoming a mom, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to return to running at the same level I was before having a baby. I assumed my PR years were behind me. Running with Boulder Underground and being coached by Corey gave me the self-confidence I needed to prove myself wrong.

I’ve run faster times than ever before from the 5K through the half marathon with the schedule, guidance and company of this team. I can’t wait to conquer more goals in the future knowing I have the full support of Boulder Underground behind me.”

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Nick K—

“Boulder Underground is one of the best communities of athletes I've ever been a part of. I worked with BU coach Corey Wall throughout most of 2020. The program he put me on was tailored to my specific goals and helped me achieve several PRs. Corey got me in the best condition I've ever been in, all while avoiding injury.

I am 37 and a father of two so it was really fun to knock off times that I hadn't run in a really long time. Not only that, I've had a blast in the process and made some amazing friends.

It's obvious that Corey and the other BU coaches really care about their athletes and the community that BU represents. Finding BU was one of the best parts of our move to Colorado...and that's saying a lot because CO life is amazing!”

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Emily L—

“I am not an easy person to coach. I'm stubborn. I get in my own way, a lot. I'm impatient, injury-prone, sensitive, and slow to trust.

Yet thanks to Nicole, I've come a long way. Not just in training, but in life.

When I started training under Nicole, I was a burnt-out, former D1 athlete, struggling to balance major life changes with maintaining my mental and physical health. I wasn't performing well in any area of my life, let alone running. She met me where I was. Nicole listened to my story and goals, and positioned herself as a guide, letting me control the pace and direction of training. Her holistic approach to running continues to challenge me to set sustainable training goals and keep the long-range-view in mind, which, for me, means that health and happiness are just as important--if not more--than a PR.

Part of what makes Nicole's insight so invaluable is that she's been there herself; she knows what runners struggle with, and more importantly, she knows how to overcome those struggles. Nicole is more attuned to her athletes than almost anyone I've been coached by, and she communicates training philosophy and objectives in a clear, creative way that tends to stick with me long after a workout.

I still struggle with mental blocks and staying healthy in general, but Nicole is getting me there. After years of going through the motions, exhausted and unmotivated, I finally feel like I'm beginning to race again. She's given me strategies to take control of what I can in my life, and helped me re-prioritize my goals, with a view toward longevity and enjoyment. As a result, I'm fitter than I've been in years, and having a whole lot more fun.

Nicole is a great coach, and a great person. Trust her with your dreams; you won't be disappointed, no matter what the journey brings.”

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Julie H—

“I was coached by Matt both before and after he started Boulder
Underground. I have been coached by others, but I have never felt as
much genuine trust and care as when I was coached by Matt. He cares
about you as a person first. He takes the time to get to know you and
then tailors your training to your individual goals and needs, and is
there for you day or night. I felt he truly believed in me and my
training. Most of all I trusted him and felt confident in myself
thanks to the training I did under his coaching. Anyone who can call
Matt a coach and friend is lucky. I would recommend him and his
coaching to anyone!”

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Callie H—

"The coaches and team at Boulder Underground have changed the way that I view training in a way that has helped me grow tremendously both athletically and personally. I played Division I field hockey in college and switched gears to longer distance running post-graduation but my habit of "100% effort for every workout" carried with me.

My training for my first marathon consisted of long hard runs without purpose and very little speed work or strength, all while over-training, under-recovering and doing no physical therapy support along the way to keep my body functioning at its best. When I started working with Matt and the Boulder Underground team, I very quickly learned the importance of training cycles within a given week, month and block, and learned that the slow runs, recoveries and PT/ strength work were just as important as the long and grueling training runs.

With BUs coaches and teammates, I shaved almost ten minutes off of my marathon time and built a new mindset for training. Matt taught me the smarter way to train and it has improved my overall athletic performance, my ability to recover and build, my mindset of not taking any one workout too seriously and my resilience in trusting the process over a long period of time.

Most importantly, Boulder Underground is an incredible group of people that inspire me to push myself both in and out of my running shoes."

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Laura B—

"I’ve worked with Boulder Underground for almost two years now, and they have helped me become a better and stronger athlete, both physically and mentally. Boulder Underground tailors my training around what I need to run my best and provides daily inspiration and encouragement. Most importantly, they believes in me and help me believe in myself. Because of Boulder Underground, I have found the joy in running again and truly believe I still have many PR’s in my future."

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Morgan H—

“While I’m a relatively new member to Boulder Underground (BU), I couldn’t be happier with the guidance I’ve received so far regarding running, nutrition, and life. BU advocates a holistic approach to training, emphasizing the mental aspect of the sport through access to meditation apps and bi-monthly phone calls. The flexible training plan allows me to run at my best without compromising my sanity or performance at work. As someone who felt in a training rut, joining Boulder Underground has inspired me to set some bold goals and has given me the skills to achieve them!”

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Jessica B—

“Boulder Underground has helped me fall in love with the process of being an athlete again. After retiring from my career as a professional triathlete, it was a challenging transition to navigate what my athletic life would look like. Boulder Underground gave me a space to be myself, have fun and work toward my goals every day with acceptance at the heart of each step.

Coach Matt’s calm energy and wise approach to coaching has left me incredibly confident in my abilities and what I can do as a runner. He coaches us in a holistic way, helping each of us individually manage the great balancing act of life, work and running.

I have found some of my best friends through BU, and I feel an immense amount of support each day when I show up for training. I’m pretty excited for all that’s to come for all of us :)”

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Kyle K—

“Stoked to have been able to find Matt and Boulder Underground. The running community has always been close-knit and I couldn’t be happier to be apart of it. Having the ability to stay healthy and see progress is something every athlete dreams of. I owe all that to Matt’s coaching abilities and love for the sport. Anyone looking to pursue goals within the sport should definitely reach out to this group. After competing in this sport for almost 8 years, I have certainly found the training program that works best for my ability and future.”

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Brooke H—

“I started working with Matt to train for the 2020 Boston Marathon, which would have been my first marathon, when it was originally postponed from April to September. Matt has been a constant source of support and motivation throughout this very uncertain time and a stop-and-go marathon training cycle. When the Boston marathon was made virtual, he helped me evaluate my options for completing my first marathon while making it clear that we'd meet my goals no matter what path I took. He's helped me lay a strong running foundation and been patient when my motivation waned. He's applied the perfect combination of accountability and understanding to keep me going and making progress. I am so excited to eventually conquer 26.2 miles and feel so much more confident that I'll be able to do so and to meet my goals with Matt's help!”

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Bria W—

“Boulder Underground has played a crucial role in my development as an athlete over the last 2 years.

Tailored workouts, weekly sessions with a group of like-minded runners, and a culture that values mental health and strength just as much as the physical have all helped create an amazing training system for me.

I've reached new PRs and gained invaluable tools that have fostered confidence and growth. I feel an immense sense of community and support in my athletic pursuits under the guidance of Boulder Underground.”

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Carley G —

“I started working with Boulder Underground in 2013 after dabbling in a couple of marathons, and they have helped me achieve higher than I ever could have imagined. Brick by brick and season by season, Boulder Underground has helped me cut thirty-six minutes off of my best marathon time, and they continue to remind me that no dream is too big. Boulder Underground has supported me through the highest of highs and the lows of injury and continues to evaluate training as it applies to me on an individual level. (They also reply to my 4 AM texts, so that's a major coach win!) I couldn't ask for a coach who wholeheartedly believes in the physical and mental well being of their athletes more than Boulder Underground, and the family that they have created and nurtured in Boulder Underground is truly one of a kind.”

Photo by @904fitness

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Britt K —

“Boulder Underground is the best. I couldn’t have imagined a better coach. They genuinely care about each athlete's mental and physical fitness. They have a way of pushing and encouraging your limits without overdoing it or risking injury. It’s a fine balance that Boulder Underground has mastered even across a team of different people and personalities.”

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