Emily L—

“I am not an easy person to coach. I'm stubborn. I get in my own way, a lot. I'm impatient, injury-prone, sensitive, and slow to trust.

Yet thanks to Nicole, I've come a long way. Not just in training, but in life.

When I started training under Nicole, I was a burnt-out, former D1 athlete, struggling to balance major life changes with maintaining my mental and physical health. I wasn't performing well in any area of my life, let alone running. She met me where I was. Nicole listened to my story and goals, and positioned herself as a guide, letting me control the pace and direction of training. Her holistic approach to running continues to challenge me to set sustainable training goals and keep the long-range-view in mind, which, for me, means that health and happiness are just as important--if not more--than a PR.

Part of what makes Nicole's insight so invaluable is that she's been there herself; she knows what runners struggle with, and more importantly, she knows how to overcome those struggles. Nicole is more attuned to her athletes than almost anyone I've been coached by, and she communicates training philosophy and objectives in a clear, creative way that tends to stick with me long after a workout.

I still struggle with mental blocks and staying healthy in general, but Nicole is getting me there. After years of going through the motions, exhausted and unmotivated, I finally feel like I'm beginning to race again. She's given me strategies to take control of what I can in my life, and helped me re-prioritize my goals, with a view toward longevity and enjoyment. As a result, I'm fitter than I've been in years, and having a whole lot more fun.

Nicole is a great coach, and a great person. Trust her with your dreams; you won't be disappointed, no matter what the journey brings.”