Q&A | Olympic Trails Qualifier: Kelsey Beckmann


In preparation for the 2020 trials in Atlanta, we wanted to give everyone a chance to get to know the Boulder Underground OTQ 2020 group better. So we did a Q&A with everyone that will be running in Atlanta on February 29. First up is Kelsey Beckmann. She trains in Jacksonville, Florida.

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What is your “day” job?


Sports Dietitian/business owner

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When and where did you run your OTQ?


CIM 2017

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What is your marathon PR?



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What did running the OTQ feel like?


Victory, resilience.

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What was the most difficult part of running the OTQ?


Knowing I had failed there in 2015 trying to qualify!

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What was the most exciting part of running the OTQ?


That I finally did it after waiting 3 years to try again! Also [my] sister biked along the course.

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Who are your favorite training partners?


Laura Campbell (best friend) and when I’m lucky, Cody (boyfriend).

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What’s been your favorite part of this training block?


Being healthy and having fresh perspective.

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What have you worked really hard on during this training block?


MY BRAIN and my arms that windshield wipe when I get tired.

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Who are the members of your “team” and their roles?


Matt (coach), Cody (emotional support and sports medicine expert), Laura (best friend/ training partner), my family (will be very confused when I don’t win).

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What is your goal for the trials?


To beat a lot of competition ranked higher than me.

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What will you be most excited about on the start line?


That my health will be in a place to go after it!

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What would you consider a good day on February 29?


Placed well within the 2:40-2:45 qualifiers and if Matt dances at the afterparty.

You can follow Kelsey’s running journey on Instagram @k__beck. You can find out more about her business, Meteor Nutrition, at www.meteornutrition.com and follow Instagram @meteornutrition.

Editor’s note: this Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.