MINI FEATURE | Akis Medrano


Akis Medrano lives in Boulder, Colorado, and trains with the Boulder Underground group based there. He is a 2019 graduate of Indiana State University.

During his time as a Sycamore, he scored multiple conference championship meet points, qualified for the NCAA East Regionals on the track at 10,000-meters and earned an NCAA Cross Country Championships berth.

Akis has strong personal bests from the 800-meters (1:53.16) all the way up to the 10,000-meters on the track (29:46.48). His dream is to be a professional athlete.

Running stuff

How did you get started running?

My best friend nagged me into joining Cross Country with him in high school.

In one paragraph, or less, how would you sum up your time and running career at Indiana State?

I will always appreciate my time at ISU, along with all the friends/ memories I made while being there. I've learned a lot and I'll always be grateful for it. 

What are your top three favorite running moments?

  1. Making it to the XC state meet in high school.

  2. Running 3:45 in the 1500m, to me it showed that I can do more and have the ability to do it.

  3. Making it to XC Nationals for ISU.

What was it like to qualify for the NCAA XC meet after four years of working for it?

It was unreal because I've always visualized myself making it, but to actually do it is something pretty special. Happiest day of my life at ISU.

What lessons are you taking from your running career, so far, into the next few years?

Patience, taking easy days easy, and trusting the process through the good and the bad. Maturity in this sport will play a huge role in my career in my opinion, so I wanna do it the best way possible. 

What does it mean to you to continue in the sport?

It means that I'm not done with this passion of mine. I still believe that I can improve my times and compete against the best. I haven't lost my love for this sport yet and don't plan to for a very long time.

Biggest goal, or goals, that are scary to say out loud?

Making a world team.

Who is your biggest supporter(s)?

My family. Without them and their support, I wouldn't be able to make it this far.

What’s it like being the baby in the group?

I love it because I have so much to learn from my wise elder teammates. Other than that, it ain't all bad since I can legally drink with them🤣

What advice would you give someone who is graduating soon, or who recently graduated, from a collegiate running program and wants to continue in the sport but isn’t sure where to start?

My advice would be to look up groups that you may want to be part of and reach out to them. If they respond, see how they treat you and if the vibe atmosphere fits with yours. You'll never where you can end up if you don't reach out and try. If that team and coach is meant for you, then everything else will fall into place.

Non-running-specific stuff

If your teammates were celebrities, who would they be and why?

Honestly, I kinda view my team as "Keeping up with the Kardashians". I mean that in a good way though.

Who is your favorite teammate and why?

Brian Schroy because he was one of the first people who befriended me when I arrived in Colorado. Ever since that day, we've been the dynamic duo and best of friends.

What hobbies and interests do you have outside of the sport?

I always enjoy outdoors activities, gaming, and just being around others for social events.

What’s your proudest non-running-related accomplishment

Graduating from college. First one out of my family to do it.
What is your biggest non-running related goal?

To have a stable life with a good career to support me and my future family.

Who are your most important mentors?

Honestly, I look up to many runners that I know of who are pushing the sport forward. But I would say my coach because he's shown me that he cares about my running career and wants me to make it in the big leagues one day.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Don't be afraid to drop everything in your life and move to a place where you can pursue your dream. It may suck to start over and work your butt off to where you wanna be. But life always works out for those who never stop pursuing their passion.

You can follow Akis’s running on his Instagram @tmedrano23.