Sarah H—

“I asked Matt to train me so I could run the 10K Bolder Boulder with my daughter- who already trained with him. The challenge: I was a 58-year-old achy athlete who lived across the country at sea level and had continued to be active but hadn’t run regularly since college... and frankly didn’t like it much. Matt’s challenge to me: Would I commit to the workouts? Matt’s Challenge to himself: for me to learn to love running.

Matt’s training plan kept me safe and opened my eyes to the importance of “active recovery days” rather than just pushing harder every day. With strategic scheduling of longer, shorter and harder workouts I was able to keep my commitment to the program and was amazed to see my progress every week. Not only did I surpass my goals for the Bolder Boulder, but I never could have imagined that I would be able to run 9 miles during a training run.. far more than I had ever run in my life.

As for my love of running... While I can’t say I’ve become a loyal runner, I have a newfound appreciation for it, and continue to run “just for fun” intermittently thanks to the confidence that Matt helped me develop in my ability to get out of my comfort zone and onto the road.”