Boulder Underground fall marathon preview

Boulder Underground long running up on Magnolia Rd  |  Photo by Nicole Bush  |  Nicole Bush Media

Boulder Underground long running up on Magnolia Rd | Photo by Nicole Bush | Nicole Bush Media

Fall is in the air here in Boulder—even if it still reaches 90-degrees most days—and most of Boulder Underground is deep into a marathon training block.

We have athletes running four of the biggest marathons this fall: Chicago, Boston, CIM and New York City. And we’re shooting for sub-3s, sub-2:30s and big PRs overall.

Here’s what some of our athletes have to say about their upcoming marathons

Chicago is one of my favorite marathons because it always falls on my birthday weekend. It is fast, it is flat and it hosts the American Development Program, which are all ingredients for fast times. My goal is to shatter my personal best and chip away at my greater goal of qualifying for the Olympic Trials.” — Brian Schroy

“Well, ole Chicago is flat and fast and there's such good company running it this year! I'm looking forward to being back in a big race and it's time to finally dip under 2:30!” — Matthew Meyer

Matthew Meyer talking about stuff while wearing a crop top up on Mags during a bottle stop, with Emma Kertesz  and Evan Schwartz  |  Photo by Nicole Bush  |  Nicole Bush Media

Matthew Meyer talking about stuff while wearing a crop top up on Mags during a bottle stop, with Emma Kertesz and Evan Schwartz | Photo by Nicole Bush | Nicole Bush Media

Jess Broderick giving coach, Matt Hensley, the ‘all good’ signal on one of the dirt roads around the Boulder Rez  |  Photo by Nicole Bush  |  Nicole Bush Media

Jess Broderick giving coach, Matt Hensley, the ‘all good’ signal on one of the dirt roads around the Boulder Rez | Photo by Nicole Bush | Nicole Bush Media

“After not getting an opportunity to race a marathon in 2020, I am just so grateful to be headed to Chicago in October. I have definitely heard great things about the marathon, but my decisions to go are truly just based on the people I get to share the experience with. We have a whole crew going, including Coach Matt, so I am really excited to be out there with a bunch of BU teammates on race day. Sharing the finish line with people that you’ve also shared the journey with is simply the best! I have some time goals, but they are very much secondary to my goals of having fun and staying present throughout the race.” — Jess Broderick

“I am excited to run CIM because the course is flat, the energy is magical, and who doesn’t love a marathon PR for Christmas.” — Dr. Mary Higgins

“Registered to run my first marathon (again…). The marathons that I previously signed up for in 2020 and in early 2021 were canceled or postponed until the next year. I’m officially signed up for CIM this December…my marathon debut!

I want to run a marathon because I want to see what I’m capable of…my legs, my body, and especially my mind. I’ve been training consistently for 3 years and I’ve been ready to see how far I can go, how long I can endure. Showing my kids through hard work and dedication, that they can do hard things…that they can reach for and achieve their goals and dreams. I’m in love with the training and the whole process. Running brings me so much joy every day and being able to test my fitness on race day after putting in all the hard work is a bonus. If there’s anything 2020 taught me, it’s that training brings me fulfillment and happiness. It recharges me! I don’t do it only to race fast, I genuinely love the actual process of getting there surrounded by the best teammates and friends. It’s a mindset of I *get* to run, not I *have* to run.

I’ve set lofty goals. First and foremost, my number 1 goal for every race is to 1) arrive at the start line and 2) arrive there healthy and happy. Everything else is icing on the cake. It’d also be really cool if I could break 3 hours in the marathon one day. I’m working on that one.” — Britt Kelland

Emma Kertesz gellin’ on Mags  |  Photo by Nicole Bush  |  Nicole Bush Media

Emma Kertesz gellin’ on Mags | Photo by Nicole Bush | Nicole Bush Media

“I’m excited to race in the professional field at the NYRR NYC Marathon. I think I have a good amount of unfinished business in the marathon distance, and training with a new group has reignited my fire for training and competing. I’m looking forward to enjoying the training block process and then racing the streets of New York City representing Boulder Underground.” — Emma Kertesz

“I chose Chicago because one of my goals is to compete in all the World Majors, and it will be fun to have family from Minnesota come cheer me on! I'm looking forward to testing my abilities against some incredibly talented women come race day.” — Bria Wetsch

Bria Wetsch running for a long time on Magnolia Rd  |  Photo by Nicole Bush  |  Nicole Bush Media

Bria Wetsch running for a long time on Magnolia Rd | Photo by Nicole Bush | Nicole Bush Media

“I chose Boston this fall for the iconic energy it’s known for. My first Boston Marathon experience was the year after the bombing, and it was incredible to witness resilience at such a magnitude. I had the chills for miles!! After over a year in a global pandemic, I have no doubt that the people of Boston will make this year truly one for the books. My long-term goal is to break that ol’ 3:00 barrier, so I am just working towards chipping away at that. I’ll be *ecstatic* to come away with a PR.” — Megan Pittoors

“I thought NYC 2018 would be a one and done for my marathon career, but when one is given the opportunity to run Boston, you can’t say no. I’m excited to participate in such a famed running event and enjoy all that Boston will show. Still knowing so little about the marathon, I hope to use this buildup and race as a major learning experience and set the proper trajectory into the next couple of years.” — Connor Martin

Follow the rest of our fall training on our Instagram at @boulder_underground.